Great Works Instructional Guides for Literature 8- Book Set, Grades K-8
Product Number: SEP51464
Use these instructional guides to add rigor to your students' explorations of rich, complex literature! Each guide features several challenging cross-curricular lessons and activities to help students analyze and better comprehend literature.
Use these instructional guides for literature to add rigor to your students' explorations of rich, complex literature! Each instructional guide features several challenging cross-curricular lessons and activities to work in conjunction with literary texts to help students analyze and better comprehend literature. This guide is packed with ways to practice close reading, determine meaning through text-dependent questions, and practice text-based vocabulary, making it the perfect tool to teach students how to analyze story elements in various ways. Additionally, these guides support Common Core Learning Standards. Titles in this set include: Frog and Toad Together; Little Bear; Sarah, Plain and Tall; The Stories Julian Tells; Bud, Not Buddy; Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry; Tuck Everlasting; A Wrinkle in Time.
Use these instructional guides to add rigor to your students' explorations of rich, complex literature! Each guide features several challenging cross-curricular lessons and activities to help students analyze and better comprehend literature.