Explore the story of two lonely children who become friends and create an imaginary magical kingdom to escape their troubles. Students will analyze and comprehend this story through the engaging, rigorous activities and lessons included in this guide.
Young readers will love this wonderful story of two lonely children who become friends and create an imaginary magical forest kingdom to escape their troubles together. Bridge to Terabithia: An Instructional Guide for Literature is filled with challenging cross-curricular activities and lessons that rigor to your students' explorations of this rich, complex literature. Use this resource to teach students how to analyze story elements in multiple ways, practice close reading, improve text-based vocabulary, and determine meaning through text-dependent questions. Strengthen your students' literacy skills by implementing this high-interest resource in your classroom!
Explore the story of two lonely children who become friends and create an imaginary magical kingdom to escape their troubles. Students will analyze and comprehend this story through the engaging, rigorous activities and lessons included in this guide.