Increasing Fluency with High Frequency Word Phrases Grade 4
Product Number: SEP50279
Immerse your fourth graders in research-based practice aimed to develop reading fluency. This resource offers 20 extensive lessons that analyze high frequency practice to gain word recognition, expression, and fluency with comprehension questions.
Immerse your fourth graders in research-based practice aimed to develop fluency. Increasing Fluency with High Frequency Word Phrases offers 20 creative lessons that analyze high frequency practice to gain word recognition, expression, and fluency with comprehension questions to evaluate mastery. A fluency rubric and reference list of oral reading strategies are included to support learning success. Based on Dr. Timothy's expert fluency research and Dr. Edward Fry's Instant Words, this resource is aligned with college and career readiness standards and provides an important reading foundation. An Audio CD with oral readings of phrases and reading selections is included.
Immerse your fourth graders in research-based practice aimed to develop reading fluency. This resource offers 20 extensive lessons that analyze high frequency practice to gain word recognition, expression, and fluency with comprehension questions.