TIME FOR KIDS® Informational Text Grade 2 Spanish 30-Book Set
Product Number: SEP18390
Reading is an adventure with these engaging books written in Spanish! Each book features engaging layouts, TIME FOR KIDS® content, high-interest photographs, informational text, vocabulary, and sidebars.
Reading is an adventure with these engaging books written in Spanish! Each book features engaging layouts, TIME FOR KIDS® content, high-interest photographs, informational text, vocabulary, and sidebars. Titles include: Visita a una fábrica de automóviles (A Visit to a Car Factory); Visita a una granja (A Visit to a Farm); Visita a una base de la Marina (A Visit to a Marine Base); Próxima parada: México (Next Stop: Mexico); Próxima parada: Canadá (Next Stop: Canada); Próxima parada: El Caribe (Next Stop: The Caribbean); ¡Terremotos! (Earthquakes!); ¡Tornados y huracanes! (Tornadoes and Hurricanes!); ¡Volcanes! (Volcanoes!); Águilas de cerca (Eagles Up Close); Caballos de cerca (Horses Up Close); Serpientes de cerca (Snakes Up Close); Artesanía: Vidrio soplado (Craft It: Hand-Blown Glass); Construye: Rascacielos (Build It: Skyscrapers); Hazlo: Chocolate (Make It: Chocolate); Entra al bosque (Step into the Forest); Entra al desierto (Step into the Desert); Entra al bosque lluvioso (Step into the Rainforest); Nuestra Tierra (Our Earth); El espacio exterior (Outer Space); El sistema solar (The Solar System); Mira adentro: Tu cerebro (Look Inside: Your Brain); Mira adentro: Tu esqueleto y músculos (Look Inside: Your Skeleton and Muscles); Mira adentro: Tu corazón y pulmones (Look Inside: Your Heart and Lungs); ¡Cuenta conmigo! La feria de la escuela (Count Me In! School Carnival); ¡Cuenta conmigo! El torneo de fútbol (Count Me In! Soccer Tournament); ¡Cuenta conmigo! ¿Qué hay de almuerzo? (Count Me In! What's For Lunch?); George Washington (Spanish Version); Martin Luther King Jr. (Spanish Version); and Susan B. Anthony (Spanish Version)
Reading is an adventure with these engaging books written in Spanish! Each book features engaging layouts, TIME FOR KIDS® content, high-interest photographs, informational text, vocabulary, and sidebars.