Leveled Texts for Fifth Grade equips teachers with reading materials designed for classes with a wide range of reading abilities. This extensive series covers in four subject areas: language arts, math, science, and social students.
The Leveled Texts for Fifth Grade series comes with leveled reading materials covering the Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies subject areas. Each subject area comes with five texts, differentiated with three levels, providing books for low-, on-, above-level, and English learners, comprising of 60 books in total. Each book comes with comprehension questions leveled for different types of readers. This time-saving series provides teachers with materials already appropriately leveled for different types of readers. Students will enjoy the vivid images, illustrations, and diagrams, designed to keep them engaged and increase content understanding. Aligned with Common Core State Standards, this series also connects to McREL, and TESOL/WIDA standards.
Leveled Texts for Fifth Grade equips teachers with reading materials designed for classes with a wide range of reading abilities. This extensive series covers in four subject areas: language arts, math, science, and social students.