Learn how to keep track of time! This engaging, social studies reader explores how calendars help us to keep track of days, weeks, months, and years. The simple sentences, bolded vocabulary, and dynamic images keep students engaged and learning.
Help students learn how to keep track of time! This engaging book explores how calendars help us to keep track of days, weeks, months, and years. The simple sentences, bolded vocabulary, and dynamic images keep students engaged and learning. To enhance the reading and learning experience, a Draw It! activity, Your Turn! activity, and Read and Respond questions are included in the back of the book. Teachers can integrate social studies content and language arts instruction with this short book that is aligned to state and national standards.
Learn how to keep track of time! This engaging, social studies reader explores how calendars help us to keep track of days, weeks, months, and years. The simple sentences, bolded vocabulary, and dynamic images keep students engaged and learning.