Biographies: World Cultures through Time 8-Book Set
Product Number: TCM22814
Discover what made Moctezuma the most famous ruler of the powerful Aztec empire, why Confucius is considered the greatest philosopher in Chinese history, and more with this 8-book collection focused on world leaders!
Introduce students to some of the most influential leaders from ancient history! Students will learn about the lives of these individuals and what they did to make their mark on world history. Filled with high-interest content, fascinating photographs and images, and primary source materials, this set of nonfiction books is a great resource for developing and improving students' social studies knowledge. Each book contains captivating sidebars and facts, easy-to-read text, content-area vocabulary, a glossary, table of contents, and index. Titles in this set of biographies include: Hatshepsut: First Female Pharaoh; Siddhartha Gautama: The Buddha; Julius Caesar: Roman Leader; Socrates: Greek Philosopher; Confucius: Chinese Philosopher; Mansa Musa: Leader of Mali; Hammurabi: Babylonian Ruler; and Moctezuma: Aztec Ruler.
Discover what made Moctezuma the most famous ruler of the powerful Aztec empire, why Confucius is considered the greatest philosopher in Chinese history, and more with this 8-book collection focused on world leaders!