TIME FOR KIDS® Informational Text Grade 5 Spanish Set 1 10-Book Set
Product Number: SEP18481
Do you know how to spot a pirate or make your money grow? These are but two of the many nonfiction topics featured in this fun and entertaining Spanish set
Do you know how to spot a pirate or make your money grow? These are but two of the many nonfiction topics featured in this fun and entertaining Spanish set. You'll explore underwater creatures, natural disasters, and much more with engaging layouts, conversational-style text, and plenty of sidebars. This titles in this collection include: Demonios de la profundidad (Demons of the Deep); Siglo XX: Carrera hacia la Luna (20th Century: Race to the Moon); Chicas y chicos malos de alta mar (Bad Guys and Gals of the High Seas); Un día de trabajo: Oficial de policía (All in a Day's Work: Police Officer); Hacer que el dinero crezca (Making Money Grow); Animales del mar en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Sea); ¡Brumm! Velocidad y aceleración (Vroom! Speed and Acceleration); ¡Intrépidos! Dobles de riesgo (Fearless! Stunt People); Desastres naturales que marcaron la historia (Unforgettable Natural Disasters); and A la vanguardia: Adelantos en tecnología (The Cutting Edge Breakthroughs in Technology.)
Do you know how to spot a pirate or make your money grow? These are but two of the many nonfiction topics featured in this fun and entertaining Spanish set