Reading is an adventure with these engaging books written in Spanish! Each book features engaging layouts, TIME FOR KIDS® content, high-interest photographs, informational text, vocabulary, and sidebars. Aligned to Common Core State Standards, the titles in this 10-book collection include: ¡Supervivencia! Océano (Survival! Ocean); Animales arquitectos (Animal Architects); En escena: La vida de un CSI (On the Scene: A CSI's Life); ¡Sin resolver! Lugares misteriosos (Unsolved! Mysterious Places); ¡Hang Ten! Surfin (Hang Ten! Surfing); Hablemos claro: Fumar (Straight Talk: Smoking); Increíble pero real: Animales extraños (Strange but True: Bizarre Animals); Nelson Mandela: Marcando el camino (Nelson Mandela: Leading the Way); Una mano a la pata: Protegiendo los animales (Hand to Paw: Protecting Animals); and Cuerpos al límite: Hazañas y fracasos (Physical: Feats and Failures).