TIME FOR KIDS® Informational Text Grade 1 Readers Spanish 30-Book Set
Product Number: SEP18392
Reading is an adventure with these engaging books written in Spanish! Each book features engaging layouts, TIME FOR KIDS® content, high-interest photographs, informational text, vocabulary, and sidebars.
Reading is an adventure with these engaging books written in Spanish! Each book features engaging layouts, TIME FOR KIDS® content, high-interest photographs, informational text, vocabulary, and sidebars. Titles include: Grande y pequeño (Big and Little); Colores (Colors); Figuras (Shapes); Este soy yo (This Is Me); Yo sé (I Can); Mi gran familia (My Big Family); En movimiento (On the Go); Trabajadores (Workers); A dónde ir (Places to Go); Terreno (Land); El tiempo (Weather); Agua (Water); Como crecen las plantas (How Plants Grow); Ojos de animales (Animal Eyes); Madres animales y sus crías (Animal Mothers and Babies); La vida de una rana (A Frog's Life); La vida de una mariposa (A Butterfly's Life); La vida de una abeja (A Bee's Life); Cosas con alas (Things with Wings); La vida marina (Sea Life); ¡Locos por insectos y arañas! (Going Buggy!); Haz papel picado (Make Papel Picado); Haz un dragón del Año Nuevo Chino (Make a Chinese New Year Dragon); Haz un muñequito de jengibre (Make a Gingerbread Man); Mantenerse sano (Staying Healthy); Mantenerse en forma con deportes (Keeping Fit with Sports); Comer bien (Eating Right); Casas alrededor del mundo (Homes Around the World); Niños alrededor del mundo (Kids Around the World); and Lugares del mundo (Places Around the World)
Reading is an adventure with these engaging books written in Spanish! Each book features engaging layouts, TIME FOR KIDS® content, high-interest photographs, informational text, vocabulary, and sidebars.