Early Childhood Science Spanish Collection of 30 Books
Product Number: TCM21315
Motivate budding scientists to explore the world around them! Written in Spanish, each book in this 30-book collection includes colorful illustrations and photographs and focuses on science themes to spur discovery!
Motivate budding scientists to explore the world around them! Written in Spanish, each book in this 30-book collection includes colorful illustrations and photographs and focuses on science themes to spur discovery! Aligned to Common Core Standards, the titles in this set include: Los cinco sentidos (Five Senses) Wordless; Los colores (Colors) Wordless; El espacio (Space) Wordless; El tiempo (Weather) Wordless; Los animales (Animals) Wordless; Las plantas (Plants) Wordless; Mi cuerpo (My Body) Wordless; La salud y la seguridad (Health and Safety) Wordless; Construir cosas (Building Things) Wordless; Los océanos (Oceans) Wordless; Con mis sentidos (With my Senses); La pequeña arañita (The Itsy Bitsy Spider); Cabeza y hombros (Head and Shoulders); Usa tu cerebro (Use Your Brain); El niño azul (Little Boy Blue); Si fuera un árbol (If I Were a Tree); Hasta el océano (Oh, to the Ocean); Los hogares de los animales (Animal Homes); Bee, bee, borreguito negro (Baa, Baa, Black Sheep); La muñeca de la señorita Molly (Miss Molly's Dolly); Listos para construir (Ready to Build); Amigo Sol (Oh, Mr. Sun); Veo colores (I See Colors); ¿Qué tipo de tiempo? (What Kind of Weather?); La avena, los chícharros, los ejotes y la cebada crecen (Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow); Delicioso y nutritivo (Delicious and Nutritious); Hacia el espacio (Into Space); El puente de Londres (London Bridge); Canta por peniques (Sing a Song of Sixpence); and Por la bahía (Down by the Bay)
Motivate budding scientists to explore the world around them! Written in Spanish, each book in this 30-book collection includes colorful illustrations and photographs and focuses on science themes to spur discovery!