Two students receive a math assignment involving origami. With help from their grandmother and some fraction and division know-how, they'll conquer the challenge. This math reader uses real-world examples to help students explore math in meaningful ways.
Two students receive an unusual math assignment involving origami. With help from their grandmother and some fraction and division know-how, they'll conquer the challenge! Packed with factual information and high-interest content, this math book uses real-world examples of problem solving to build students' math and reading skills. Let's Explore Math sidebars feature math questions that challenge students to develop their math skills. A problem-solving section at the end of the book prompts students to reflect and apply what they've learned. Demystify math with this leveled book that makes learning math fun and accessible for kids ages 10-12 and is especially appealing to reluctant readers.
Two students receive a math assignment involving origami. With help from their grandmother and some fraction and division know-how, they'll conquer the challenge. This math reader uses real-world examples to help students explore math in meaningful ways.