Strengthen students' mathematical skills with this exciting Spanish-translated collection! Featuring a variety of topics, vibrant images, fun practice problems, and helpful mathematical charts these books are a fun tool to use in any classroom setting! Titles in this collection include: Dar forma a nuestro mundo (Shaping Our World); Las figuras en el arte (Shapes in Art); El mundo de los transportes (The World of Transportation); Nuestro viaje a la ciudad (Our Trip to the City); Nuestra reunión familiar (Our Family Reunion); Nuestro almuerzo de cosechas (Our Harvest Lunch); Construyamos un patio de juegos (Building a Playground); El fuerte (The Fort); Reducir, reutilizar, reciclar (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle); and Limpiemos nuestra escuela (Cleaning Our School).