Learn all about American culture, government, civic values, holidays, landmarks, and more with this 10-book set of Spanish books. Featuring dynamic and engaging primary sources, the books in this set meet the four strands of social studies: history, civics, geography, and economics. With informational text features, grade-appropriate text, and high-interest content, this set builds literacy skills and content-area literacy. Titles include: La cultura de Estados Unidos (American Culture); Culturas de todo el mundo (Cultures Around the World); La capital de nuestra nación: Washington D. C. (Our Nation's Capital: Washington, DC); Honremos a nuestros héroes: Día de los Veteranos (Remembering Our Heroes: Veterans Day); La Constitución de EE. UU. y tú (The U.S. Constitution and You); Nuestro gobierno: Las tres ramas (Our Government: The Three Branches); Nosotros, el pueblo: Valores cívicos en Estados Unidos (We the People: Civic Values in America); Nuestro medio ambiente en constante cambio (Our Ever-Changing Environment); Maravillas de Estados Unidos hechas por el hombre (America's Man-Made Landmarks); Recursos de capital y la economía (Capital Resources and the Economy).