Text Pairs: You Tell the Story Explore Grade K Spanish: 6Book Set
Product Number: TCM121211
Easily pair fiction and nonfiction texts across similar themes and topics! With 3 fiction and 3 nonfiction books, this set of wordless picture books prompts readers to make connections while deepening their understanding of the concepts.
Easily pair fiction and nonfiction texts across similar topics! With 3 fiction and 3 nonfiction books, this twin text set gives early readers a head start on reading different text types. This set of wordless picture books develops beginning readers’ oral language skills. The vibrant, easy-to-identify illustrations and images encourage children to use their own words to describe what is happening in each book, building early literacy skills. Titles include: El león y el ratón (The Lion and the Mouse), Los tres elefantitos (The Three Little Elephants), La tortuga y la liebre (The Tortoise and the Hare), El clima cambiante (Changing Weather), Empujar y jalar (Pushes and Pulls), Lo que puede hacer el sol (What the Sun Can Do).
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Easily pair fiction and nonfiction texts across similar themes and topics! With 3 fiction and 3 nonfiction books, this set of wordless picture books prompts readers to make connections while deepening their understanding of the concepts.