TIME FOR KIDS Social Studies Grades 2-3 Spanish, 8-Book Set
Product Number: TCM100702
Featuring TIME For Kids content, this 8-Book Set of math readers has been translated into Spanish. Build literacy skills and social studies content area knowledge while students are engaged in reading high-interest content.
Build social studies content-area knowledge and critical literacy skills! Featuring TIME For Kids content, these Spanish books cover a wide range of high-interest topics across the social studies strands. Each nonfiction book features detailed images, stimulating facts, and clear, informational text to engage students in reading. The books include text features such as bold font, captions, a table of contents, a glossary, and sidebars to increase understanding, improve academic vocabulary, and prompt critical thinking. These texts prepare students for college and career and are aligned with state and national standards. Keep students engaged from cover to cover with these intriguing titles! This set includes the following titles: Niños fantásticos: George Washington Carver (Fantastic Kids: George Washington Carver); Lo mejor de ti: Hacer lo correcto (The Best You: Making Things Right); La hora de la verdad: Jugadores de todo el mundo (Showdown: Players Around the World); ¡Tú también puedes! Los defensores de los derechos civiles (You Can Too! Civil Rights Champions); Niños fantásticos: Ayudando a los demás (Fantastic Kids: Helping Others); ¡Comunícate! Las letras de las canciones pop (Communicate! Pop Song Lyrics); Tecnología para todos: Wifi en todo el mundo (Technology For All: Wi-Fi Around the World); Palabras correctas: Disputas justas (Just Right Words: Fighting Fair).
Featuring TIME For Kids content, this 8-Book Set of math readers has been translated into Spanish. Build literacy skills and social studies content area knowledge while students are engaged in reading high-interest content.