Familiarize students with complex texts with this Grade 5 collection created to align to the Common Core State Standards. Early learners will enjoy reading these engaging books while gaining adequate exposure to complex fiction and nonfiction texts.
Familiarize students with complex texts with this 10-book Grade 5 collection created to align to the Common Core State Standards. Early learners will enjoy reading these engaging books while gaining adequate exposure to complex fiction and nonfiction texts. Featuring vibrant images, stimulating facts, an accessible glossary, and more; readers will be engaged from start to finish! Titles in this collection include: Rome; Expanding the Nation; Freedom: Life After Slavery; Tornado Chasers; Bad Guys and Gals of the Wild West; From Rags to Riches; All in a Day's Work: Animator; Endangered Animals of the Jungle; Unforgettable Natural Disasters; Mighty Micros: Little Things - Big Results.
Familiarize students with complex texts with this Grade 5 collection created to align to the Common Core State Standards. Early learners will enjoy reading these engaging books while gaining adequate exposure to complex fiction and nonfiction texts.