Desastres naturales (Natural Disasters) 6-Book Set
Product Number: TCM22823
The ground rumbles beneath your feet, the sky turns black as night, and powerful winds and rain begin to take over. When a natural disaster strikes, take cover and stay out of harm's way because you never know what Earth has in store!
This Spanish 6-book collection includes fiction stories and nonfiction TIME FOR KIDS® books to introduce students to multiple text types, as called for in the Common Core and other state standards. With high-interest text, vibrant illustrations and images, age-appropriate text features, and complex vocabulary, these books support literacy skill development while teaching children about how natural disasters affect the world around us. The titles in this collection include: ¡Tornados y huracanes! (Tornadoes and Hurricanes!); ¡Volcanes! (Volcanoes!); ¡Terremotos! (Earthquakes!); Viaje al centro de la Tierra (Journey to the Center of the Earth); ¿A dónde se fueron los dinosaurios? (Where Did the Dinosaurs Go?); and Escapando del Pacaya (Escape from Pacaya).
The ground rumbles beneath your feet, the sky turns black as night, and powerful winds and rain begin to take over. When a natural disaster strikes, take cover and stay out of harm's way because you never know what Earth has in store!