More Consonants, Blends, and Diagraphs 21-Book Set
Product Number: TCM18471
Featuring vivid photographs to capture reader interest and to continue building reading skills, the titles in this 21-book collection include the more difficult consonants, the highest utility consonant blends, and the four most common consonant digraphs.
Featuring vivid photographs to capture reader interest and to continue building reading skills, the titles in this 21-book collection include the more difficult consonants, the highest utility consonant blends, and the four most common consonant digraphs. Titles include: My Q Words; My V Words; My X Words; My Y Words; My Z Words; My Bl Words; My Br Words; My Cl Words; My Cr Words; My Fl Words; My Fr Words; My Gr Words; My Pl Words; My Sl Words; My Sn Words; My Sp Words; My St Words; My Ch Words; My Sh Words; My Th Words; and My Wh Words.
Featuring vivid photographs to capture reader interest and to continue building reading skills, the titles in this 21-book collection include the more difficult consonants, the highest utility consonant blends, and the four most common consonant digraphs.