Measurement, Data and Geometry for Third Grade Spanish, 10-Book Set
Product Number: TCM100704
Build mathematics knowledge and literacy skills with this 10-Book Set of Spanish books. Third grade students will learn geometry, operations, and algebraic reasoning while engaged in reading high-interest content.
Discover how a contractor uses geometry on the job. Examine shapes and patterns in the artwork of the Louvre. Keep track of time at a carnival. These Spanish math books use real-life examples of problem solving and every day scenarios to teach students essential math concepts. Students will learn data, geometry, and measurement while engaged in reading about high-interest subjects. The vivid images, detailed sidebars, practice problems, and math charts make learning math fun and easy. Text features include a glossary, index, and table of contents to increase understanding of math and reading concepts. A detailed problem-solving section provides additional learning opportunities. Titles in this 10-Book Set include: CTIM: Misión a Marte: Resolución de problemas (STEM: Mission to Mars: Problem Solving); A tiempo para la feria: Medición del tiempo (Clockwork Carnival: Measuring Time); ¿Cuánto vale? Conocimientos financieros (What's It Worth? Financial Literacy); Investiguemos las medidas: Volumen y masa (Investigating Measurement: Volume and Mass); El Gran Cañón: Datos (The Grand Canyon: Data); Paisajistas: Perímetro (Landscape Architects: Perimeter); Rascacielos notables: Área (Stand-Out Skyscrapers: Area); Contratistas: Perímetro y área (Contractors: Perimeter and Area); Historias de las constelaciones: Figuras (The Stories of Constellations: Shapes); Exploremos el Louvre: Figuras (Exploring the Louvre: Shapes).
Build mathematics knowledge and literacy skills with this 10-Book Set of Spanish books. Third grade students will learn geometry, operations, and algebraic reasoning while engaged in reading high-interest content.