Pique the interests of young children with this social studies collection focused on topics about themselves and the world around them! Featuring attention-grabbing books with colorful images and illustrations, early readers will be eager to keep reading.
Pique the interests of young children with this social studies collection focused on topics about themselves and the world around them! Featuring attention-grabbing books with colorful images and illustrations, early readers will be eager to keep reading. The titles in this 20-book collection include: Transportation (Wordless); My Country (Wordless); My Community (Wordless); All About Me (Wordless); Families (Wordless); School (Wordless); Feelings (Wordless); We Go to School; On the Go; I Can Be Anything; I Wear My Feelings; If You're Happy and You Know It; I Can Work!; Giving Thanks; Amazing Americans: George Washington; Rules at Home; I Am a Good Friend; Life at Home; Rules at School; and We Work at School.
Pique the interests of young children with this social studies collection focused on topics about themselves and the world around them! Featuring attention-grabbing books with colorful images and illustrations, early readers will be eager to keep reading.