Literary & Informational Text Grade 1 Spanish 60-Book Set
Product Number: TCM23267
Act out engaging fiction and nonfiction stories that cover a wide variety of topics with Reader's Theater scripts. These colorful scripts include roles written at multiple reading levels so all students can participate and actively learn.
Act out engaging fiction and nonfiction stories that cover a wide variety of topics with Reader's Theater scripts that capture students' interest. These colorful scripts include roles written at multiple reading levels so all students can participate and actively learn. This 60-book set includes: Colores del carrusel (Carousel Colors); Diversión en el estanque de los patos (Duck Pond Fun); El tren de Seb (Seb's Train); El cabello rebelde de Maddy (Maddy's Mad Hair Day); Amigos del parque infantil (Playground Friends); Cuando sea grande (When I Grow Up); Al otro lado del mar (Across the Sea); Mi abuelito y yo (Grandpa and Me); Max (Spanish Version); Boris el basset (Boris the Basset); Edward el explorador (Edward the Explorer); ¡Chapoteando! (Splash Down!); La casa dinosaurio (Dinosaur House); Cómo ser un gatito (How to Be a Kitten); Alboroto en el zoológico (Zoo Hullabaloo); Soy tan hermosa (I Am So Beautiful); Mi vida de abeja (My Life as a Bee); Esta es mi historia, por Frederick V. Rana (This Is My Story by Frederick G. Frog); La vida desde arriba (Life at the Top); La mona Maya (Maya Monkey); ¡En sus marcas, listos, fuera! (Ready, Set, Go!); La historia de los Oso, por Baldwin B. Oso (The Bears' Story by Baldwin B. Bear); La princesa y el guisante: Una versión del cuento de Hans Christian Andersen (The Princess and the Pea: A Retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's Story); ¿Qué puedes ver? (What Can You See?); Boris se mantiene en forma (Boris Keeps Fit); Qué rico se ve, ¡a comer! (It's Good Enough to Eat!); Campamento de safari (Safari Camp); Anna fue a Zambia (Anna Goes to Zambia); Paul Bunyan: Un relato fantástico (Paul Bunyan: A Very Tall Tale); ¡Di algo! (Speak Up!); Grande y pequeño (Big and Little); Colores (Colors); Figuras (Shapes); Yo sé (I Can); Mi gran familia (My Big Family); Este soy yo (This Is Me); En movimiento (On the Go); A dónde ir (Place to Go); Trabajadores (Workers); Terreno (Land); Agua (Water); El tiempo (Weather); Ojos de animales (Animal Eyes); Madres animales y sus crías (Animal Mothers and Babies); Como crecen las plantas (How Plants Grow); La vida de una abeja (A Bee's Life); La vida de una mariposa (A Butterfly's Life); La vida de una rana (A Frog's Life); Comer bien (Eating Right); ¡Locos por insectos y arañas! (Going Buggy!); Casas alrededor del mundo (Homes Around the World); Mantenerse en forma con deportes (Keeping Fit with Sports); Ninos alrededor del mundo (Kids Around the World); Haz un dragón del Año Nuevo Chino (Make a Chinese New Year Dragon); Haz un muñequito de jengibre (Make a Gingerbread Man); Haz papel picado (Make Papel Picado); Lugares del mundo (Places Around the World); La vida marina (Sea Life); Mantenerse sano (Staying Healthy); Cosas con alas (Things with Wings).
Act out engaging fiction and nonfiction stories that cover a wide variety of topics with Reader's Theater scripts. These colorful scripts include roles written at multiple reading levels so all students can participate and actively learn.