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¡Última vuelta! Carreras de kartings

Product Number: TCM18065
Go-Karts are a fun and thrilling way to hit the road! This exciting, Spanish-translated nonfiction title invites readers to explore different parts needed to build a go-kart, velocity, speed, and how to stay safe in this exciting motorsport.

Go-Karts are a fun and thrilling way to hit the road! This exciting, Spanish-translated nonfiction title invites readers to explore different parts needed to build a go-kart, velocity, speed, and how to stay safe in this fun motorsport. Using detailed images, charts and diagrams, informational text, and interesting facts in conjunction with mathematical skills and upper-level features such as a glossary of terms, an index, and a chapter format, readers are sure to be engaged and excited from cover to cover!

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Teacher Created Materials

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